Ajit Chandran and friends
Ajit Chandran and friends
Ajit Chandran and friends...
Ajit Chandranand friends...

Contact Us

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Ajit Chandran


Based in chicago, USA

1 630 206 9093



Please contact with all inquiries, comments, questions regarding all works of the artist and any trade enquiries.

Sreedharan Namboothiri


Based in India, (Kozhikode, Kerala)

Please feel free to contact Sreedharan about the beautiful poetry in Vennacharth, the new Audio CD on Krishna


+91 9446258509.

P.M. Radhakrishnan

Managing Director,

Everest Productions

+91 9447117044

Record Label with all rights on Vennacharthu, the CD in India. please contact for all trade inquiries, feedback sand questions in India.

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